Merced Homes for Rent: How to Draft a Compelling Listing

Merced Homes for Rent: How to Draft a Compelling Listing

It's a lot easier to attract attention to your short- and long-term rental properties in the age of online marketing and multiple listing sites. All you need is to complete a rental listing and place it on one of the most popular platforms, after all.

Compiling a rental listing is both a simple task and a fine art. With millions of homes for rent advertised online, there are a few things you can do to help your property stand out.

Read on to explore the tricks of the trade.

Prepare Stunning Photographs

A recent social media study proves that posts with images get more responses and attract more attention. This highlights the appeal of images for online searchers.

Appealing photographs play a major role in attracting renters to your property. Hiring a professional photographer is an excellent way to showcase your rental unit at its best.

The images must be clear and bright and focus on the main selling points of the property. Decluttering and staging the home before you set up your rent advertisement is vital for creating a good impression.

Create an Appealing Headline

Headline writing is one of the most complicated parts of creating your listing. You need to convey enough information to attract the interest of potential tenants or guests in only a few words.

Make a list of the most important selling points for your property first, then choose one to highlight in your heading. Location is always a good starting point. Although you'll get to select your location when loading your property, including it in your heading can draw online searches from outside the platform to your site.

Other drawcards to include in your heading (if applicable) are words like 'luxury' and 'beautiful views'. If your unit is close to a top tourism destination, like Yosemite National Park, you should highlight that point, too.

Craft Compelling Copy

When people search for their perfect property online, they use relevant search terms. Carry out a little research to find out what keywords people might use to find a rental in your area, and include those key terms in your copy.

In this part of the listing, you should aim to help the tenant or guest imagine themselves enjoying the many conveniences of the home. Be sure to play up all the good points associated with your home and leave out any negatives.

If you're struggling to find the words for your listing, you can hire a professional copywriter or get help from a seasoned property manager.

Marketing Homes for Rent Like a Pro

Unless you want to spend hours poring over different variations of your listing and wondering which one will attract the most interest, it's best to hire an expert marketer for this task.

PMI Merced is backed by a franchise with two decades of property management experience. We have the know-how to help you manage your property from start to finish.

Our marketing skills include crafting irresistible listings about homes for rent in Merced, California, and listing your investment property on the most appropriate platforms for your market.

Discover effortless solutions for your property marketing qualms when you work with us.
